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ticket price rise & THST protest…


Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust (THST) have call for protests against matchday ticket price increases and that was coming…

but Tottenham as a club evolves into a multi-billion-pound business, so the questions arise about the efficacy of fan protests and whether that can genuinely influence the actions of Levy & Co.

Tottenham have increased ticket costs for the upcoming season by between £10 and £17 for Category A games and between £3 and £15 for Category B and C games. Ticket prices for Category A games are between £10 and £17. Owing to the recent increase in prices, the most costly ticket available for a single game now costs £103.

Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust have announced plans to organize a peaceful demonstration in response to the club’s recent ticket price adjustments. The demonstration is scheduled to take place before the home game against Manchester United on Saturday, August 19. During a period when numerous individuals are facing challenges related to the cost of living in our country, coupled with the club’s recent decline on the pitch following last season’s failure to qualify for Europe, it is fair to say that the increase in prices has been met with dissatisfaction among supporters.

According to information provided by the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust, it is projected that the increase will generate approximately £2.5 million. This represents a 2.4 per cent increase in match receipt income from the financial year ending June 2022, as well as a 0.6 per cent increase in the club’s total income. The trust is optimistic that their demonstration will contribute to a reconsideration of the matchday ticket price increases, a recognition of the importance of fan input in pricing discussions, and a commitment to maintaining ticket prices for the following season.

In their call to action, the THST highlights the recent ticket price increases and argues that loyal fans are being exploited. They denounce the lack of consultation with supporters and demand that fans’ interests be at the heart of every decision the club makes. The THST urges all Spurs fans to join them in expressing discontent over the escalating ticket prices.

While fan protests have historically played a significant role in challenging football club ownership and management, the modern landscape of football, especially for elite clubs, presents a different scenario.

Critics of the THST’s call argue that protests may have limited impact given the club’s financial success and diverse revenue streams. The stadium’s successful hosting of concerts, NFL games, and other events has positioned Tottenham as a versatile entertainment venue. Furthermore, matchday ticket sales and merchandise purchases have shown consistent demand despite price hikes, indicating that fans are still willing to pay.

The THST’s previous attempts to engage with the club’s board through a series of questions in January of this year resulted in generic responses that lacked tangible solutions. This experience has led some fans to question the potential effectiveness of the current call to action against ticket price increases.

Critics of the protests point out that Spurs’ board prioritizes revenue generation with football success often taking a backseat.

The club’s aggressive commercial strategy, including partnerships with big-name artists and events, demonstrates a clear intention to maximize profits. As long as revenue streams continue to flourish the board may (and should) feel less compelled to heed fan protests.

In the age of social media, fan dissatisfaction can quickly gain traction, sparking debates and discussions. Social media platforms have provided fans with a powerful tool to voice their concerns and organize collective action. However, whether this virtual protest translates into meaningful change remains uncertain.

Following is the statement issued by the THST:

“As we are all aware, Tottenham Hotspur has increased the price of match day tickets for the coming season.

Ticket prices at the Club are already amongst the most expensive in the Premier League and Europe. To make matters worse, full details were hidden in a general statement released by the Club, indicating it is fully aware the decision cannot be justified.

The move was made without any consultation with supporters or fan groups and was immediately opposed by the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust and then every elected member of the new Fan Advisory Board at its first meeting in July.

If these rises are not opposed, we believe there will be more to come. A corresponding increase in season ticket prices would mean rises of between nine and 13 per cent for the 2023/24 campaign (1), and there is no guarantee that match day ticket prices will not increase further. This is clearly unacceptable so any price increases must be resisted.

Supporters should be at the heart of every decision the Club makes, instead, our loyalty is being exploited. Ticket price increases are not an economic necessity for the ninth richest club in world football (2). They are a choice: a choice the Club’s Board has chosen to make against the backdrop of a cost-of-living crisis with prices already sky high. We therefore call on all Spurs fans to join us in telling the Club: enough is enough.

Key facts

Match day ticket prices have increased from between £3 and £15 for Category B and Category C games, and between £10 and £17 for Category A games, raising the top price for a single match to an eye-watering £103.

Premier League fixtures have been re-categorised by the Club to include more matches in higher price bands.

Tickets in some of the cheaper sections of the stadium have been replaced by higher prices.

The increase will generate approximately £2.5m (2.4 per cent of match receipt income for the financial year ending June 2022 or 0.6 per cent of the Club’s total income) (3) small change for Spurs but a big hit in the pockets for fans.

Concessionary pricing areas for younger and older fans are being eroded.

What we want

A full reversal of the match-day ticket price increases.

A commitment to genuine fan input on all pricing discussions: to consult THST and the Fan Advisory Board on a fair and sustainable ticketing strategy including junior, young adult and senior ticketing policies.

A guarantee of no price increases for the 2024/25 season.

What we need to do

Make ourselves seen and heard both on match days and across social media.

Push the message that our loyalty is being exploited.

Put pressure on sponsors and Club’s bankers (Bank of America & Investec) to dissociate themselves from this exploitation. Sponsors include AIA, Nike, Cinch, Getir, HSBC, INEOS Grenadier, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Coca-Cola, Heineken, Monster Energy, Kumho Tyre, EA Sports, Science in Sport and Cadbury.

First call to action

We are coordinating a Ticket Pricing demonstration ahead of the first Premier League home game of the season against Manchester United on Saturday 19 August. Kick-off is at 5.30pm.

Assemble at 3.45pm opposite the ticket office steps on the High Road for one hour with a clear message to stop ticket price rises and to stop exploiting loyalty.

We know the Club Board will not be persuaded easily. So, we will need to be prepared to keep taking action, and to step up that action. It is very important that we stick to this clear message – stop ticket price rises, stop exploiting loyalty – and that we ensure any action does not affect the team on the pitch.

We need to be respectful but determined and we need to persist and build momentum until the Club agrees to our call. Further action will be publicised via fan channels.

Let’s stand together, hold the Club to account and let them know they can no longer take us for granted.”

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